Tuesday, August 4, 2015

On Display in the Atrium

First Place Winners are on display in the Walker Library atrium through August 21st.

MTSU Summer Research Poster Session
Took place on Friday, July 31, 2015
A mini-Scholars Day event to celebrate research and creative activity featuring summer research programs: URECA, REU, and FirstSTEP teams and sponsored by the MTSU Office of Research.

First Place Winners are on display in Walker Library through August 21st.
Congratulates to the following two teams:

Hannah Barker, Melissa Pompilius, and Robert Fischer, College of Basic and Applied Sciences
Research Topic: Clonal Variation in Growth and Life History Traits in Daphnia Lumholtzl

Lauren Hanberry and Anthony Newsome, Department of Biology and URECA
Research Topic: The Evaluation of a Collection Method and Survey of Triatomines (Chagas Disease) and Other Insect Vectors

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