The Media Library, the Music Library, the LRC University Computer Lab, and the Graduate Multimedia Development Center (GMDC), currently located in LRC 101, will move temporarily to Walker Library at the end of final exams. Both libraries, the University Computer Lab, the GMDC, and the LRC 101B computer classroom will be open to faculty and students in their normal LRC locations through 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 15.
The LRC University Computer Lab and GMDC, when re-opened in Walker Library Room 262, will continue to provide the discipline specific and specialized software that students and faculty are accustomed to using in the labs' current LRC locations. In particular, Adobe Creative Suite 5, SPSS, SAS, Finale, and other frequently used packages will continue to be available in Walker Library 262.
Because the Media Library collection will be located separately from Room 262 in Walker Library, accessing requested items will require more time than usual. Therefore, faculty and graduate students are strongly encouraged to contact one of the Media Library staff ( ) as early in each semester as possible to reserve media to be checked out and to be assigned for student viewing. Patrons checking out audio books are also strongly encouraged to reserve them at least 24 hours prior to picking them up.
Our temporary locations are
Media Library - Walker Library Room 262
LRC University computer lab and GMDC - Walker Library Room 262
Music Library - Walker Library, first floor: Music Librarian and media collection at the circulation desk; scores in the Reference Collection room.
Operating hours for the Media Library, LRC University computer lab, and GMDC beginning Friday, December 16, are:
Friday, December 16: closed to patrons, staff available via email and phone
Saturday - Sunday, December 17-18: closed
Monday - Friday, December 19 - 23: closed to patrons, staff available via email and phone
Saturday - Monday, December 24 - January 2: closed
Tuesday - Friday, January 3 - 6: open 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Saturday - Sunday, January 7 - 8: closed
Monday - Wednesday, January 9 - 11: open 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, January 12: resume regular hours ( )
Sunday - Monday, January 15 - 16: closed
Tuesday, January 17: resume regular hours ( )
Operating hours for the Music Library beginning Friday, December 16, are
Friday, December 16: closed to patrons, staff available via email and phone
beginning Saturday, December 17: open/closed according to Walker Library's operating hours ( )
If you have any questions about our temporary relocation, please contact one of these staff members: