The crazy making time known as exams is upon us and we at the Walker Library want to help keep you sane and happy. Here are two tips that should help.
1. Computer Availability Maps- Have you noticed a similarity between trying to find a parking space on campus and trying to find a computer in the library? You circle and circle and pray and swear until you finally find an opening, and when you do, you hope not to have a head on collision or get into an altercation with another seeker. We can't do anything about parking, unfortunately, but now you can determine where the open computers are before you start roaming.
Simply point your smartphone or other mobile device to to see a listing of the computer labs in the library and the available numbers of machines. You can also click on a map of the lab to see exactly where the open computers are.
2. Express Printing. Stop competing with everyone else trolling for computers (see above). Save yourself the shoe leather and go straight to the express printing station located on the first floor in the atrium. Just make sure your document is on a jump drive. Plug it in and print. Then leave. Easy as pie. One note- all documents are two sided.
image from Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, D.C. 20540 USA,