Hip to the trip?.....or are you planning a "staycation" this summer, looking for adventure from the front porch swing. Look no further. The new book shelves have several new books about faraway places and some not so far.
Read about the "Mother Road," so named by Jack Kerouac, in Hip to the trip: a cultural history of Route 66, a book about the history and cultural meaning of this landmark highway.
View The Great Wall of China.
Visit the Daughters of India
Learn about Planet India
Go back in time to explore and survive the frozen north in Race to the Polar Sea
Find out the best city for you in Who's your city?
Or, laugh your way through Rhode Island in Rhode Island Curiosities. Here's the history of Moonstone Beach in rhyme.
Once a beach with a naturalist flair.
Moonstone's no longer nude, so beware.
The pro-wildlife herds
Made it safe for the birds .
But they don't very much care for bare.
Thanks for the featured books!
We're glad you're enjoying the posts. BTW, Hip to the Trip is currently on the New Books Shelf in the 1st floor periodicals area.
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