Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Proxy Borrowing for Faculty

Each semester, we get many requests about proxy borrowing from MTSU faculty. They want to send over their ID with their graduate student assistant in hopes that we can check out materials onto their (the faculty member's) card. While we definitely don't want to inconvenience anyone wanting to check out library materials, it is for the faculty's protection that we have them complete the proxy borrowing form first.

Here are the complete details, as posted on our website. (The form is located under Library Forms as well as in this information section for faculty under Circulation.)

MTSU faculty and administrators may designate a graduate assistant, student worker or staff member to act as a Proxy Borrower. The designated individual is able to borrow books and other materials for the faculty member on the faculty account.
• To designate a proxy borrower, the faculty member should complete and sign the faculty portion of the Proxy Student Borrowing Form.
• The student who will act as the proxy should complete their portion of the form and bring the form, their own student ID and the faculty ID to the Circulation Desk to establish the account. After that, only the student’s ID will be needed to borrow materials.
• A processing time of 24-48 hours is required before materials can be borrowed utilizing the student’s ID.
• Student proxies borrow on behalf of the faculty member. The faculty member is responsible for all materials borrowed.

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