Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Donate Your Election Signs to the Gore Center

From Jim Williams of the Albert Gore Research Center:

"Ready to get rid of your election-related yard signs?

The Albert Gore Research Center collects political signs for exhibits and educational purposes. If you have regular-size signs (the two-feet square variety) for a candidate or election issue from this or previous elections and would like to donate them to our collection, please drop them off at the Gore Center in Todd 128.

Signs should be in good condition. We do not need the support posts. We reserve the right to discard signs that duplicate others in our collections (we can return them to you if you wish). Unfortunately we do not have the staff to retrieve signs from your office.We also collect bumper stickers, buttons, fans, and other political memorabilia. See the display case outside the Gore Center for examples of from our memorabilia collection."

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